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Physical symbolic optimization ( \(\Phi\)-SO ) - A symbolic optimization package built for physics.

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Source code: WassimTenachi/PhySO
Documentation: physo.readthedocs.io


\(\Phi\)-SO’s symbolic regression module fully leverages physical units constraints in order to infer analytical physical laws from data points, searching in the space of functional forms. For more details see: [Tenachi et al 2023].

\(\Phi\)-SO recovering the equation for a damped harmonic oscillator:

Performances on the standard Feynman benchmark from SRBench comprising 120 expressions from the Feynman Lectures on Physics against popular SR packages.

\(\Phi\)-SO achieves state-of-the-art performance in the presence of noise (exceeding 0.1%) and shows robust performances even in the presence of substantial (10%) noise:

